
Are you eating your greens?

Are you eating your greens?
March 11, 2017 10:31 PM

I know, I know. Vegetables are boring. Well maybe not. Studies have shown that the more fresh vegetables one eats, the healthier you'll live. You'll lower your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, digestive issues just to name a few. No matter what kind of diet suits you (Paleo, Vegan etc), the truth is don't skimp the vegetables. But are all vegetables created equal? Sadly, no. The vegetables that give you the best bang for your buck are the green ones. Specifically,...Read more

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure
January 26, 2017 10:53 PM

High blood pressure if often not felt and only discovered in routine doctor's appointments. What is blood pressure? It is the pressure that the blood creates when pumped and pushing against your arteries. The first number is the systolic pressure which measures the pressure when the heart is pumping the blood. The diastolic pressure is the second number and measure the pressure remaining when the relaxes. Just like a plumbing system, when there are things that clog arteries or the walls of t...Read more

The Most Common Causes of Fatigue

The Most Common Causes of Fatigue
January 26, 2017 10:12 PM

Fatigue When you are feeling tired and you can’t seem to function very well during the day or maybe you are falling asleep by 7pm at night, you know something isn’t right. It’s very frustrating when you can’t do all the things you had planned for the day. Well, let me tell you about the four most common causes of fatigue.   Iron Deficiency Menstruating women often have low iron. Your iron may be in the “normal range” but you may be on the low end and this c...Read more

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Children’s Corner - Immune System
December 21, 2016 12:19 PM

Is your child getting sick a lot? Perhaps they are bringing home viruses from school. Or maybe your baby has a rash or eczema. Here are three supplements every child should be taking:   Fish Oil Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids which are very anti-inflammatory. Fish oil is excellent for the brain development of your child as well as for that dry skin that tends to happen over the winter months.   Vitamin D In North America, most of us are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D acts like...Read more

My labour experience – the vulnerable truth

My labour experience – the vulnerable truth
October 13, 2016 12:23 PM

I have been meaning to write down my labour experience for a while now. I find myself struggling to put things on paper as I am working hard to move on from the experience. So here goes. I was one week overdue and I hadn’t felt the baby drop. The midwife was adamant that I get an ultrasound and although I was very reluctant to do so, I felt I was forced to. The 41 week ultrasound showed a condition called polyhydramnios. This is when there is too much amniotic fluid. The speculation is that ...Read more

How to Avoid a Hearing Aid

How to Avoid a Hearing Aid
October 08, 2016 05:24 PM

Age related hearing loss has been associated with low vitamin B12 and folic acid. In a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, they found that the lower the level of B12 and folic acid in the 55 women examined, the worse their hearing was. Sometimes it’s not sufficient to just take a B12 and folic acid supplement. Getting your levels in the blood tested as well as looking at how well you absorb these vitamins are very important. As we age, the amount of stomach acid produced dim...Read more

Our new sign and website

Our new sign and website
September 10, 2016 03:23 PM

I hope you like the new website and our new sign!   Let me know if you have any questions or comments.    

Depression Beyond Serotonin

Depression Beyond Serotonin
August 29, 2016 01:20 AM

Are you suffering from depression or know someone who is suffering from depression? Mood disorders are quite prevalent. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if we’re depressed or just really tired. Symptoms of depression may include Irritability Appetite changes Insomnia Tiredness Sense of guilt or worthlessness nearly all the time Difficulty concentrating Thoughts of death or suicide There is also a type of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This usually comes on in th...Read more

Are you having difficulties sleeping?

Are you having difficulties sleeping?
August 29, 2016 01:17 AM

Whether you have a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep or both, you’re probably wondering if there’s anything you can do about it. When we don’t get enough hours of sleep or when the quality of the sleep is lacking, our energy will be compromised. It’s very frustrating when you wake up at the same time every night or when you keep staring at the clock because you can’t fall back asleep. When falling asleep is an issue, it’s usually because the mind can’t shut up. You’re thinking about a...Read more

I’m pregnant. What should I be supplementing with?

I’m pregnant. What should I be supplementing with?
August 29, 2016 01:15 AM

Folic Acid Now most people by now know that folic acid is the number one prescribed nutrient when a woman is pregnant. Folic acid has been shown to reduce neural tube defects in a fetus. This would include defects of the spinal cord such as spina bifida. Often this imperfection can occur very early on in pregnancy. For this reason it is important that women who are considering to get pregnant should supplement with folic acid. There is however, an increase in babies born with tongue tie. T...Read more