Digestion Optimization

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Do you have symptoms of gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation or all the above? These symptoms can be quite uncomfortable, debilitating or even embarrassing. Aside from discovering food sensitivities and changing your diet, you can also do a DNA stool analysis to determine what imbalances you have. Perhaps there's a bacterial overgrowth or insufficient digestive enzymes or even a parasite or virus. Once the root cause is determined, a treatment plan can be created for you.  

Do you have symptoms of gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation or all the above? These symptoms can be quite uncomfortable, debilitating or even embarrassing.

Aside from discovering food sensitivities and changing your diet, you can also do a DNA stool analysis to determine what imbalances you have. Perhaps there's a bacterial overgrowth or insufficient digestive enzymes or even a parasite or virus.

Once the root cause is determined, a treatment plan can be created for you.


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