This year will be different. This year you will turn things around and realize your goals towards happiness and health. You’ve got this! How do I know? Because we’re going to work together on making sure you know exactly what to do in order to be your best self. Here’s a quick list of simple, proven tips that can help. Of course, when you’re making changes like these, it’s important to start off with realistic expectations. Remember that new habits can take a while to “click.” (One study ...Read more
As some of you know, I wrote about how I begrudgingly had a C-section with my first. This caused me some trauma. Knowing what I know as a naturopathic doctor, I wanted to avoid that outcome at all costs. The benefits of a vaginal birth are quite substantial. There's a study that shows that c-section babies are at an increased risk of allergies, dermatitis and asthma. The benefits of the bacterial flora that the baby goes through as it is born is tremendous for the immune system and digestive ...Read more
Do you have big plans for January? Many of our patients say they’d like to take control of their health in 2020. That often includes losing some extra pounds. However, it’s always important not to get caught up in the numbers on the scale. Instead, a good alternative goal is to focus on lowering your body fat (but only if that would help your general health) and raising your energy levels. In other words, your goal should always be to improve your overall quality of life, not to chase aft...Read more
December brings festive parties, fun times with family, favourite traditions… and stress. How much stress? According to a Healthline survey, the combination of joy and pressure that makes up the month of December means that more than 60% of us find the holiday season somewhat to very stressful. Considering the many factors that make up holiday stress: the tricky family politics, the joys of winter weather, busy schedules getting in the way of regular exercise, the endless appetizers, and ...Read more
Eat less, exercise more. You’ve probably heard that’s the secret to weight loss. So, it makes sense that if you want to lose weight quickly, or if you’ve hit a weight-loss plateau, you need to really ramp up the exercise, right? Unfortunately, many people experience frustration with this approach. Why aren’t they successful? Research suggests that weight loss can be more complex than a simple “calories in/calories out” formula. In fact, our hormones play a larger role in regulating our m...Read more
Is your home affecting your health? If you avoid obvious pollutants like cigarette smoke, you may be pretty certain your home is not toxic. And if you clean regularly, you might even be slightly offended by the suggestion! However, indoor pollutants are much more common than many people realize. The sources of many pollutants are everyday objects and products we don’t consider harmful. The media devotes a lot of attention to outdoor pollution (and it’s a valid health concern). However, ind...Read more
Conceiving my first wasn’t too difficult. It only took about 4 cycles. Most of you have read my not so great labour experience blog. As a naturopathic doctor, I always feel like I must have it all figured out. The truth is, even if you do everything right, making a baby is quite the miracle. There are so many things that can go wrong! That perfect timing of healthy sperm and healthy egg meeting in the perfect location with a thick uterine lining to allow for the blastocyst to attach and grow...Read more
You do everything “right.” Somehow, however, those stubborn extra pounds won’t leave. And worse, they seem to have shifted to your midsection. What happened to your shape? You can be eating healthy and still struggle with weight. For women, it’s easy to blame slowing weight loss on the hormonal shifts that come with age, but these changes are not necessarily due to menopause. Instead, insulin resistance could be the cause. How Does Insulin Affect Your Weight? Let’s start by looking at the...Read more
Walking 10,000 steps everyday is my mainstay and a lifeline. It is not an easy thing to establish a life long habit ... fitness, in general, has required my having to create some sort of obligation to others and I have almost always built in an aspect of commitment. In 1987, when we moved from Thunder Bay to southern Ontario with our young family, we had to reestablish some kind of fitness routine in our new community. I decided to take the fitness instructors course at the local YMCA and ...Read more
Should you be concerned about your cognitive health? Consider these facts: Dementia affects between five and eight percent of adults over 60. As the average age of the population rises, that could add up to an astounding 150 million people with dementia worldwide by 2050. Dementia is more complex than most people realize. Although Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, many other diseases can play a role. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) happens when someone experien...Read more